Oh hey didn’t see you there

May 11th, 2009

Hey everybody, Chris is updating again!

Hey everybody, Chris thinks anyone gives two poops in a thunderstorm that he’s updating again!

Whatever. Facebook is fun and all but THIS … this is MY URI and you dinkleheads can never take that away from me without a court order or a DDoS attack or, I dunno, by navigating away to disney.com and deleting your bookmark.

Hey everybody, Chris thinks people have his site bookmarked!

Meh. I’m paying for the webspace, might as well rule it like the tinpot dictator I am. I hereby declare that every day will be the first day of Spring. Narf.

i feel much better now

June 9th, 2008

Oh, I’m not gonna shut down. Spammers are still stupid, but who cares. I don’t usually go off like that. Sorry, internet, it won’t happen again. :hanging head:

What NOW?

June 3rd, 2008

Oh fr the love of Pete. Now I’m getting autospammed with advertising masquerading as comments on my posts even though I have comments turned off. I just deleted over 3000 of them! What do you jackals want from me? How do you even DO that?!

I’m this close to just shutting down this freakin’ blog as a bad idea. It’s hardly worth it when BOTS are the greatest contributors to your site. I’ve already had to shut down two message boards because they were getting spammed to hell. There are some popular wikis that are having to shut down because the bots are destroying them.

What a utopia the Internet has become. Free shit for everybody. Hooray.

Well how interesting

May 23rd, 2008

I seem to be a link mule. Wonder how that happened. Guess I need to upgrade my blog engine and get rid of that crap.

It’s pretty pitiful that this happened. Especially since I get almost zero traffic. Ha ha spam jerks! You wasted your time defacing a site nobody reads!

Again I blog

April 29th, 2008

This is becoming something of a habit. I suppose that’s the point of blogging but it seems to have taken about 12 years to sink in.

I ran into an old high school friend today. He recognized me first, which is always embarassing. The Nintendo Brain Training commercials are true, every last one of them.

So we had lunch and caught up and to be honest we’re boring adults now. He has two kids and a support desk job and a Rush addiction (the band not the idiot). I discussed being a webmaster and how crazy my job is. In the end we agreed to pretend to think about calling each other in the indeterminate future.

So hey aren’t you glad I’m blogging about all this? I lived it and you get to read about it. Whoo-freakin’-pee.

Thumbs of FURY

April 24th, 2008

I seem to be getting good with this Blackberry typing thing, but having unlimited Internet access and an easy phone keyboard seems to be messing with my head. For instance, I picked up a Twitter account with the intention of giving it a shot, but seriously, who gives half a rat’s buttocks what I do all day?

This is the allure of the Interblogospheroweb, I suppose. Suddenly we’re all celebrities. Well, forget it, I reject the notion of instant fame just because I own a URL and know how to type with my thumbs on a Chiclet keyboard. Do you hear me, Internet? I’m dull and ordinary and nothing you can do will change that!

If you feel the same as I do, please give generously to my Paypal tip jar so I may continue blogging about my unique philosophy of life. Being average is a lot harder than it looks, you know.

Phone blogging: phlogging?

April 21st, 2008

Hey campers! Welcome to a new year. Another year older and deeper in debt. Oh Lawd don’t call me etc.

But it’s not all plodding in a creeping pace from day to day, measuring out my life in coffeespoons. I have … drumroll please … wait for it … a new phone.

Okay so who cares whatever. But this thing is pretty neato. My wife and I both got Blackberries, so I have an actual keyboard to thumblog with or whatever you kids are calling it nowadays. It’s almost as fast as typing and my errors are few, surprising since I have such blunt thumbs. A few more weeks and I think I’ll be zipping along at near keyboard speeds. Internet beware.

More about spam

October 18th, 2007

Whee-hee! Now apparently spammers are sending mass emails spoofing my URL as the return address. There’s also been a big upswing in the spam I’m receiving. Just today, from midnight to about 11 a.m. here, I’ve gotten over 400 spam mails. Luckily the Exchange spam filter picks up most of it, and there’s a spam filter on my server too. Still, that’s some pretty impressive idiocy at work there.

I dunno if this is related at all to my previous post. I wouldn’t put it past some pimply-faced pocket surfer to get a wild hair and screw around with some crotchety old bald guy for no good reason. Or maybe it’s just the luck of the draw. Or maybe every site on the Internet has this same problem. Who cares, it’s fun!

So anyway, I’m off to go get some “miracle meds for my penis” because apparently “she’s bored in bed.” It’s about damn time I finally “won in the bedroom.” I never win anything. But more importantly I need to make “MEGADICK a reality.” I mean c’mon. MEGADICK! :rock:

Dear spammers: BITE ME. Love, me XXOO

October 2nd, 2007

I just deleted over 50 spam messages which were left as comments for my little blog here. FIFTY! While I’m flattered to think that they believe anyone actually reads this tripe, it’s alarming on a whole nother level. These right here are prime examples of people who JUST DON’T GET IT, and yet they try, oh so hard it just makes their tiny little hearts go pitter patter, to get their little V!@GRA and BI66ER PEN15 messages out to the world at large.

 Actually, malformed/misspelled titles like that are old hat. Now spam tries to sneak under the radar like a mysterious message from the Orient. “Marcia: Responding to your query,” the title goes, and people immediately begin to wonder: What query? I am indeed a big clueless sack of crap sometimes, and I take pride in making that painfully obvious everywhere I go on the Interweb, but I don’t remember asking any questions of someone called “Marcia.” Who is Marcia? Do I even know a Marcia? Could I have a secret admirer named Marcia? Maybe someone pretty, with honey-colored hair and a tendency to wear waistless 70s-era dresses? That chick was sure hot on L.A. Law. OH LORD I HAVE TO KNOW WHO THIS IS MUST CLICK EMAIL MARCIA MARCIA MARCIA RAARGH and that’s how they get you to buy into yet another can’t-miss penny stock scheme.

As incredibly stupid as spamming is, even more disheartening is that it must work sometimes, at least enough to sustain itself. I suppose in a population of several million you’d probably find a healthy percentage of people who were just wondering how to have one of them four-hour erections they were just talking about in that commercial on Sally Jesse. Damn, four hours, that’d be a hoot. Hang your coat on it, maybe teach the dog to do some chin-ups. That’ll slay ’em down at the Moose Lodge next Wednesday.

I know spammers don’t actually read the blogs they deface, but what the hell, I have to get this off my chest: If the business you’re in has a multi-billion-dollar industry dedicated entirely to stopping you from doing something, then maybe you should consider the possibility to, oh, I dunno, STOP DOING IT. Yeah sure it’s fun to do things that other people don’t want you to do, especially if you’re a zit-ridden 12-year-old whose potential lifetime experience of being inside a woman ended 12 years ago. If you get my drift. But c’mon, some of us just want to hang out. now I know that some people hate you and you get off on that because AT LAST YOU ARE FEARED BY THE WORLD AND YOU WILL MAKE THEM ALL PAY AAHAHAHAHA. Seriously, though, I know Laurie didn’t let you put your hand under her blouse that one time at summer camp, but you can’t blame the entire world for that. Most of us are just folks. You’re being feared and hated by ordinary people. We’re not multi-billionaires or people who have any say in the society you think has abandoned you. Those guys could give a rat’s ass. In fact, you’re putting money in their pockets by forcing the rest of us to pay for anti-spam services. Is that your goal, to sow tiny little seeds of chaos that will ultimately be stamped out and you’ll have nothing to show for it except the lingering disgust of people who would otherwise have been your friends? This is your life and you’re spending it being a dumb little snotnosed butthead instead of actually trying to make things work out for yourself.

Aah, forget it. I’ve depressed myself thinking about how some of these kids would respond to my tirade. I know, I would have said the same thing when I was younger. Now I’m just tired. I won’t even end on a joke. G’night, folks.

Nuke me with the New!

July 15th, 2007

Why yes I am a comic nerd, thank you for asking.

Well, it’s a turning point. Or maybe it’s a tipping point. Maybe even a point of no return. In any case, the point is this: I have a new job. Starting next Monday, I’ll be working for a nation-wide distributor of sign supplies as their sole Web developer. It’s not 100% the pure design and layout job I was hoping for, but what the hey, it’s a start. It also pays better and has much more opportunity for advancement. I’m pretty psyched.

Of course, it’s very sad to leave behind a great bunch of people, who were my main reason for staying the past couple of years anyway. But I’m still in town, they know where to find me, and I’ll never work for a committee-run organization ever freakin’ again, so it all works out. Several people there, even people I never got to know very well, have asked me to take them with me. If this job turns into what I expect it to become, I could almost certainly oblige some of them. Tee hee.

So this coming week I expect to go out to lunch with several people who think they should feel beholden to me because I was doing my job. Since I’ll never turn down a free meal, it’s all good to me.

But wait there’s more! I bought a new car yesterday. My old 1999 Saturn is still plugging along just fine, but it’s starting to make kinda throaty noises and the “Check Engine Soon” light’s been on for a while and it hasn’t really been maintained all that well and I’m making some pretty sweet bank at the new place so what the hey. It’s the sort of car I’d never have expected me to get: near-luxury class, all the trimmings, and a bright red exterior. It even has an outside temperature indicator. An outside temperature indicator. Can you believe it?! I’m spazzing out here!