Author Archive


Sunday, January 2nd, 2005

My mother passed away during the night last night. She was 77. The EMTs determined the cause of death as congestive heart failure. After I got married, she fell in the kitchen, breaking her shoulder. She spent months in and out of hospitals. Her first operation got infected, so they had to excise a large […]

One of the beautiful people

Saturday, January 1st, 2005

Do you know what happens when you start developing Web sites? The next thing you know, you have seven or eight vanity sites cluttering up the Internet. Yes, I just made yet another Web site for myself. I must have a brain problem. In my defense, I did put it on some free Web space […]

Take two tablets, and other bad jokes

Saturday, September 11th, 2004

Today being “Never Forget” day, I decided to remember to update my Web site. So, um, here we are. How you guys been? Good, good. I’m fine, thanks for asking. Nothing really new. I’m still in the same place, working the same job. Ho hum. Well, there are two differences: I just got a tablet […]

And I just can’t hide it

Tuesday, August 12th, 2003

Edge-On Gaming Ltd. is on the air! Now at last you have a one-stop shop for all your System DL needs, and if I want to publish something totally different, or even a computer game, I have a place to shill it. That site again is Edge-On Gaming Ltd. Ask for it by name at […]

BlitzBasic Football RULES!

Saturday, May 18th, 2002

This is only a small update, since nothing of any great import has happened to me or to the site over the past month. Work is fine, wife is fine, dog is fine, house is fine, mother was sick recently but is now fine. How are you? I’ve discovered an amazing games programming language called […]

Wherein we enter THE FUTURE

Monday, January 28th, 2002

Well, hello there! We seem to finally be all the way up. I’ll be doing some maintenance work in here, you know, cleaning up my “WE’RE ALL GONNA DIE!” messages from the old site and so on. I’m also just about ready to redesign the whole place over again. A new face for a new […]

I’m super, thanks for asking

Thursday, March 29th, 2001

An update … and a minor change. You may gasp now. A few weeks ago, I got some inspiration from a column someone wrote on and flung together an entirely new set of roleplaying rules. I’ve you’ve ever wanted to play a LARP without having to wear those tacky black leather trenchcoats, now’s your […]

Ping-pong match!

Sunday, March 12th, 2000

You know that disorder where people get distracted by pretty much anything which comes along? I think I have it. That’s why System DL still isn’t finished (but will be soon, honest). That’s why the brave new design for this site is still in the planning stages. That’s why I’ve been frittering my time away […]

Sixteen Tons

Tuesday, February 15th, 2000

What have I been doing instead of churning out System DL books? Churning out a big new CGI-powered Web site for my employer. Sorry, but they pay my bills. I know what side my bread’s buttered on. And other money-related homilies. On the home front, System DL has become something of a monster, hence its […]

Jurassic Post

Monday, December 21st, 1998

Boy, this being married stuff sure is time-consuming. It wasn’t quite my site-negligence record of year and a half, but it has been a sodding long time since the last time I’ve updated anything on this site, I’ll give you that. I’m not going to be one of those people who start something and then […]