Author Archive

Video game wars: first to the post!

Wednesday, June 13th, 2007

I’ve just arbitrarily decided that the success of a video game console depends on how quickly it sells 8 million units worldwide. Because I’m wacky that way. So who wins on that entirely made-up statistic? Why, the Wii of course! Yes, the Wii has passed 8 million units sold in just 30 weeks, according to […]

Hey Contribute!

Monday, May 14th, 2007

Well, this is interesting. I just picked up a copy of the new Adobe CS3 Web Edition, and it comes with Contribute CS3. What’s wacky is, I can actually post to this blog from inside Contribute! What a country! Even better, check as I post a random video that I had hanging about on my […]

My happy place

Monday, April 9th, 2007

I’m angry again, so I feel compelled to post. This is NOT A GOOD IDEA. So instead of talking about the latest indignity(ies) at work, I’ll spend some time thinking about things that are going well in my life. My wife loves me and I love her. (Awwww.) I love my dog and she loves […]

Stop thinking!

Monday, March 26th, 2007

I just get angry when I think about work anymore. And not just your garden-variety sort of angry either. This is “veins sticking out of forehead, face all splotchy, want to either scream or throw up” type of angry. Clog-popping anger. Blood-pressure-warning anger. Incoherent streams of curse words like when Ralphie beats up the yellow-eyed […]

This is really strange

Wednesday, January 10th, 2007

I had a dream last night that I’d posted a blog entry. Well, far be it from me to go against my dreams, so here we go.

A deep and thoughtful analysis of the Console Wars, part I: SNOY = BUTTS LOL

Monday, January 1st, 2007

Sony is in big trouble with the PS3. Even with a $500/$600 price tag, Sony’s selling their console at around a $300 loss. Great for gamers, right? I mean, cool, you get a whole $900 console for $600. It even surfs the Internet and you can install Linux on it and play Blu-Ray HD movies and […]

Hello clueless

Thursday, October 19th, 2006

Since I’m not in enough trouble at work, I shall continue to blog about it. There’s nothing quite so amazing as somebody who looks at a program which took months to write, somebody who was intimately involved in its creation and knows how hard you worked on it, and says, “We need you to make an […]

My last nerve

Friday, September 15th, 2006

Three years ago, I was called upon to redesign the Web site of our company. We had a site made entirely in frames with sub-frames and weird naming conventions (urgh). I went in and stripped all that crap out, put a template-driven system into place, and wrote programs to convert the entire Web site wholesale. […]

Scandalous and sassy

Friday, August 25th, 2006

There’s a mini-controversy going on at my work about people reading each others’ blogs and using personal information for leverage in the complex and subtle intrigue of office politics, or else just being creepy stalkers. I started looking over my previous entries and realized that, hey, I don’t have any juicy information here that anyone […]

Debbie does!

Tuesday, August 22nd, 2006

A friend of mine is leaving (fleeing?) the company, which is sad mostly because I wouldn’t have categorized her as a “friend” until six months ago even though we’ve been working in the same department for two years. Oh, she’s perfectly nice and all, but it takes a while to crack that work-acquaintance shell. Maybe it’s the […]